
Carol Ross Barney设计的芝加哥河滨步道(Chicago Riverwalk)强烈提醒了建筑师,作为民主环境的设计师,除了奖杯以外他们可以拥有的力量。 对于Ross Barney来说,这只是她40年职业生涯中最新的(尽管无疑是最雄心勃勃的)努力之一,旨在为CTA车站和联邦大楼等公共项目带来精致而实用的美学。, a project by Carol Ross Barney is a sharp reminder of the power that architects can have as designers of democratic environments, not just trophy buildings. And for Ross Barney, it’s merely one of the latest, though certainly the most ambitious, efforts in her 40-year career of bringing sophisticated yet functional aesthetics to public projects such as CTA stations and federal buildings.

今年,她通过“我们的大河”项目与城市和社区团体合作,提出了使芝加哥,卡卢梅特和德斯普兰斯水道更通畅的想法。 Our Great Rivers, she has worked with city and community groups to develop ideas to make the Chicago, Calumet, and Des Plaines waterways more accessible.




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